Breast Enhancement Surgery in Singapore

Why Breast Enhancement Surgery Is Gaining Popularity In Singapore

There are various reasons why women in Singapore choose breast enhancement surgery to help them achieve the look they desire and to boost their self-image and confidence. The common reasons are as follows:

  • Feel that breasts are too small and wish to increase the size and make them bigger
  • Your breast are uneven in shape and size and you wish to balance them up
  • After a significant weight loss, your breast lost the volume
  • After child-birth, your breast lost the former fullness and shape and you wish to rejuvenate your breasts
  • Due to aging over time your breast are sagging and you want to improve the appearance of your nipples




Breast augmentation surgery uses breast implants to improve the size and shape of a woman’s breasts and is usually carried out under general anesthetic. During the procedure, your Singapore breast surgeon will place the breast implant either beneath the breast tissue and on top of the pectoralis muscle (sub-glandular) or partially beneath the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular), giving your breasts a fuller shape.

Your surgeon will use either silicone gel-filled or saline-filled breast implants that are designed to fit your body shape and silhouette, to achieve your desired result. Your surgeon will explain the advantages of each type of breast implant with you.

A combination of a breast lift is performed by a surgeon to help patients whose breasts are sagging and lack volume.  Breast lift surgery involves lifting and repositioning the nipple, tightening of the breast skin, and reposition the breast tissue to a higher position on the chest, at which point implants will be inserted.

Breast augmentation in Singapore is a relatively safe procedure with few complications when it is performed by well trained experienced plastic surgeons. However, as with any surgery, there are still potential risks involved thought these risks are small.  Following your breast augmentation surgery, you may expect some bruises, swelling, twinges of pain, and discomfort. Changes in breast and nipple sensation may also occur. This is usually temporary.

What To Expect & Watch For After Breast Augmentation Surgery

After the first 3 days, you should start feeling more comfortable and after resting for a week or two, you should be able to return to work. You should avoid any strenuous activity for at least three to four weeks.  If you are a smoker, you should stop completely before surgery and after surgery as smoking will cause a delay in your wound healing and also increase the risk of bleeding and infection.



If you develop any of these symptoms like excessive swelling or offensive wound discharge or night seats, you should consult your surgeon to seek immediate attention.

Excessive swelling of one or both sides might mean you have developed a collection of blood around the implant which needs to be surgically drained. A large amount of wound discharge could be an early sign of infection and should be brought to your surgeon’s attention.

Red hot sensation in the breasts or having chills or night sweats could also be an indication of infection. If there is an infection, your implants will need to be removed and replaced with another after 2 to 3 months.

During the first month of recovery, you should avoid any activity that puts stress on the wounds as well as avoids raising your arms above the head or lifting any heavy items.  You can engage in light activities but not aerobics exercises nor swimming until after six weeks following the surgery.

Breast enhancement surgery requires long term commitment as you may need to undergo adjustment surgery at a later date. On average, most breast implants life span is about 10 years, with some lasting up to 15 years without the need to be replaced. Finding a reputable and experienced female plastic surgeon to help you achieve the desired outcome of your breast enhancement. Find out from the surgeon if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation procedure, before going under the knife.