Possible Complications of Rhinoplasty & Blepharoplasty And How You Can Avoid These

Possible Complications of Rhinoplasty & How You Can Avoid Them

One of the primary concern of nose job surgery is the post surgery bleeding. The bleeding may occur shortly after the surgery or it can happen at a later date like as late as two or even three weeks after the procedure.

To reduce the risk of bleeding, it is recommended that you avoid lifting heavy items or over exert yourself for at least three weeks post surgery.  You should also avoid bending position as bending over can increase nasal pressure that lead to bleeding.

You should also try your best not to sneeze or blow your nose or sticking anything into it during the recovery period. If you have to sneeze, expel the sneeze through your mouth, not your nose. Instead of picking your nose, you can use a salt water nasal spray to help prevent crusting after your surgery.

Besides bleeding, the next possible complication is having the nasal bone moved out of position. To prevent this, you need to be extra careful when you are in a crowded area and when you are around people. Do not be within arm’s reach from people who like to talk with their hands for at least a couple of weeks. This will help avoid any accidental bang or struck onto your nose.

To speed up your post nose job surgery recovery, you can follow these easy tips:

When you are sleeping, keep your head lifted up as much as you can. A good way to elevate your head is by sleeping with 2 pillows.

Image of sleeping position after rhinoplasty surgery
Elevate Your Head During Sleep After Rhinoplasty Surgery

Right after your rhinoplasty surgery, take lots of deep breath and keep circulation going to prevent blood clots by walking around and wiggle your toes when you are in bed.

Two weeks prior and two weeks after your nose job, you should stop taking aspirin or any other medication that thin your blood so that you do not bleed excessively.

The healing and full recovery will take time so be patient and understand that it is a process in which you will feel better and look better as time goes by.

Rhinoplasty Singapore can change one’s appearance for the better if it is done well.


Possible Complications of Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery & How You Can Avoid Them


To prepare for the recovery after your eyelid surgery, have these items ready at home:

  1. Ice pack or freezer bags filled with ice or frozen peas or corns as you will use these as cold application to your eyelids post-op.
  2. Eye drops. You can ask your eye surgeon to recommend the suitable type for the post-op needs.
  3. Pain relief medication. You can also request your surgeon to prescribe the right type of pain medication and avoid aspirin or herbal supplements that may increase the risk of bleeding.
  4. Small gauze pads

Immediately after your Blepharoplasty Singapore eyelid surgery, you may experience light sensitivity, excessive tearing or double vision. Swelling and bruising is likely to happen and will last more than couple of weeks. The area around your incisions will be red and obvious at the beginning and your eyelids will be puffy and you may experience numbness for several days.

application of icepack after Apply Ice Pack After Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery
Apply Ice Pack After Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery

To reduce the swelling, apply ice packs to your eyes. Your surgeon will probably instruct you to apply ice packs or cold compresses to your eyes to help reduce swelling.

Pain is usually minimal. However if you experience long-lasting pain or extreme pain or redness after the surgery, you must inform your doctor and find out if it indicate any sign of problem.

The amount of time it takes for full recovery do vary greatly among individuals.

The general guideline is to rest in bed following the eyelid surgery and stay home to relax and apply cold compress onto your eyes for up to three days post surgery.

Sleep with your head elevated as much as possible during the first few days to reduce swelling. You can use regular pillows or sleep on a recliner.

Just like rhinoplasty, it is very important that you follow all the after surgery care instructions given by your plastic surgeon. Avoid straining, heavy lifting, strenuous activities like swimming, aerobics and jogging, for up to a month. During the recovery, you should avoid abrupt head movement or any activities that increase blood pressure in your head like bending over.

Your eyes may get tired easily for several weeks after the surgery so take frequent naps and try your best to stay away from activities like reading, watching TV, looking at computer for the first couple of weeks as these activities may dry your eyes. Put on your dark sunglasses when you are outdoor to protect the eyes from possible irritations caused by wind and the sun.

Hope you find the above recovery tips helpful in preparing for your rhinoplasty and/or eyelid cosmetic plastic surgery. For more information you may also check out this website: www.SingaporePlasticSurgeryClinic.com.


Nail Care Essentials – Maintaining Strong Healthy Nails

Having a good nail care go far beyond just manicures and nail polish. It’s not only important to have a regular and thorough nail-care routine to remove harmful germs and bacteria, nail care is also an important part of personal grooming. Some care and attention is definitely needed to maintain the health of the nail. There are many factors that can affect the health of your nails.

Common Nail Problems

When there is abnormal nail change, it is generally not due to your diet unless you are suffering from severe malnutrition. Sometimes nail problems indicate a nutritional imbalance.

Brittle nails can be due to iron deficiency or nutritional deficiencies or the result of age or too much or too little moisture. Spoon-shaped or upturned nails can be also be due to iron deficiency or as a result of repeated trauma.


When you clip the nail too short or wear ill-fitting shoes, it can lead to an ingrown toenail. If you have white spots on the nails, it can be due to a deficiency in zinc.  Good sources of zinc will include shellfish, meat, nuts, whole grain and root vegetables.

Ridging of the nails can be due to eczema, psoriasis or other skin problems but the most common reason is due to aging.  Nail injury and rheumatoid arthritis can also cause vertical ridges.

Toenail and fingernail fungal infections can cause inflammation around the nail (paronychia) as well as nail lifting problem. The nail may turn thick, crumbly and yellowed. You might see white or black,  powdery discoloration of the nail plate’s surface. Fungal nail infections account for nearly one-half of all nail problems. It may occur at any age but is more common in older individuals. Diabetic patients are more likely to develop a fungal nail infection.

Nail lifting may also occur with other skin conditions like eczema (including hand dermatitis), psoriasis, and lichen planus and other underlying medical problems, including thyroid disease, pregnancy, and rarely some forms of cancer. Other possible causes of nail lifting are injury to the nails, use of nail cosmetics, and aggressive manicures.

Consult a doctor if your nail lifting becomes bothersome. Your doctor will evaluate the condition and may perform tests for infection and prescribe antibacterial or anti-fungal treatment if fungal infection is present.




Fungal infections of the nails are common among the older individuals, associated with athlete’s foot. Bacteria nail infection will usually lead to inflammation of the region of the finger or toe from which the nail plate originates. Such inflammation may be short term or it could be may a long-term problem or one that is chronic – keeps coming back.

Your doctor is most likely to prescribe a topical steroid or anti-fungal medication and/or an oral anti-fungal medicine or antibiotics. You can also consume a supplementary of zinc for a period of six months to help improve the condition.


The Importance of Nail Care

Many people pay close attention to how their hair look but do not care much for their nails while there are some who understand the importance of caring for their nails as they know that nails are an important part of our body and are our handy helper. Our nails not only help us do things like scratching an annoying itch or picking up coins from the ground but they also protect the fingers and toes.

Therefore it is important to take good care of your nails. Here are some simple and easy tips to get your nails in good shape:

Keep them short and clean, trim them in the shape of the tip of your finger and cut your toenails straight across.


After washing your hands and feet, dry them well. Change your socks daily. Apply moisturizer lotion on your fingernail when your hands feel dry. And more importantly, eat healthy balanced diet to maintain good nutrition, take selected supplements to keep your nails strong and healthy.






Breast Enhancement Surgery in Singapore

Why Breast Enhancement Surgery Is Gaining Popularity In Singapore

There are various reasons why women in Singapore choose breast enhancement surgery to help them achieve the look they desire and to boost their self-image and confidence. The common reasons are as follows:

  • Feel that breasts are too small and wish to increase the size and make them bigger
  • Your breast are uneven in shape and size and you wish to balance them up
  • After a significant weight loss, your breast lost the volume
  • After child-birth, your breast lost the former fullness and shape and you wish to rejuvenate your breasts
  • Due to aging over time your breast are sagging and you want to improve the appearance of your nipples




Breast augmentation surgery uses breast implants to improve the size and shape of a woman’s breasts and is usually carried out under general anesthetic. During the procedure, your Singapore breast surgeon will place the breast implant either beneath the breast tissue and on top of the pectoralis muscle (sub-glandular) or partially beneath the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular), giving your breasts a fuller shape.

Your surgeon will use either silicone gel-filled or saline-filled breast implants that are designed to fit your body shape and silhouette, to achieve your desired result. Your surgeon will explain the advantages of each type of breast implant with you.

A combination of a breast lift is performed by a surgeon to help patients whose breasts are sagging and lack volume.  Breast lift surgery involves lifting and repositioning the nipple, tightening of the breast skin, and reposition the breast tissue to a higher position on the chest, at which point implants will be inserted.

Breast augmentation in Singapore is a relatively safe procedure with few complications when it is performed by well trained experienced plastic surgeons. However, as with any surgery, there are still potential risks involved thought these risks are small.  Following your breast augmentation surgery, you may expect some bruises, swelling, twinges of pain, and discomfort. Changes in breast and nipple sensation may also occur. This is usually temporary.

What To Expect & Watch For After Breast Augmentation Surgery

After the first 3 days, you should start feeling more comfortable and after resting for a week or two, you should be able to return to work. You should avoid any strenuous activity for at least three to four weeks.  If you are a smoker, you should stop completely before surgery and after surgery as smoking will cause a delay in your wound healing and also increase the risk of bleeding and infection.



If you develop any of these symptoms like excessive swelling or offensive wound discharge or night seats, you should consult your surgeon to seek immediate attention.

Excessive swelling of one or both sides might mean you have developed a collection of blood around the implant which needs to be surgically drained. A large amount of wound discharge could be an early sign of infection and should be brought to your surgeon’s attention.

Red hot sensation in the breasts or having chills or night sweats could also be an indication of infection. If there is an infection, your implants will need to be removed and replaced with another after 2 to 3 months.

During the first month of recovery, you should avoid any activity that puts stress on the wounds as well as avoids raising your arms above the head or lifting any heavy items.  You can engage in light activities but not aerobics exercises nor swimming until after six weeks following the surgery.

Breast enhancement surgery requires long term commitment as you may need to undergo adjustment surgery at a later date. On average, most breast implants life span is about 10 years, with some lasting up to 15 years without the need to be replaced. Finding a reputable and experienced female plastic surgeon to help you achieve the desired outcome of your breast enhancement. Find out from the surgeon if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation procedure, before going under the knife.


Don’t Let Stress Hurt Your Health & Beauty

Chronic Stress Symptoms & Health Impact

More than half the Singapore adult population claims to be suffering from stress to some level. It is no longer just the high flying executives that are suffering from stress, but the unemployed, the exhausted working mothers, and the students as well.


stress in singapore
Singapore kid is stressed about homework



There is evidence linking chronic stress to our overall well being and health, linking stress to certain diseases. These stress related diseases include high blood pressure, headaches, facial pain, neck pain, stomach ulcers, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, infections, anorexia nervosa, menstrual period problems (PMS) and the list goes on.



The most common symptoms of stress include:

  • disturbed sleep and early morning waking
  • insomnia
  • panic attacks
  • migraines and headaches
  • loss of appetite
  • compulsive eating
  • excessive smoking
  • fatigue
  • irrational thoughts
  • easily irritated, uncontrolled emotions
  • frequent illnesses
  • irrational thoughts

The 1st warning for some of us could be a bout of flu or the onset of headaches. Alternatively our digestive system or our energy levels could be affected. As time goes by, our immune system dyfunction and some of us develop migraine headaches, others get recurrent flush, irritable bowel symptom, depression, chronic fatigue or panic attacks. Some minority will simply have a fatal heart attack or develop a serious medical condition. Studies have shown that people who bottle up their emotions are more likely to die early and in particular to have heart attacks.


What We Can Do To Manage Stress Better

There is plenty of medical evidence to support the fact that persistent stress can affect us both physically and mentally. Many of us have the ability to cope with near tragedy or disaster, and it is not until it is over that we feel it is safe to “fall apart”.

Here are tips to help you cope and manage your stress better:

  • Get some counselling to help you sort out the stressful situations you are facing
  • If you are suffering from panic attacks, consult doctor to prescribe a low dose of beta-blockers to help you cope with anxiety symptoms.
  • Do a physical medical examination and tests to check your iron levels, thyroid function, and check for early diabetes or underlying infection.
  • Set aside some sacred time for yourself, time to think and time to switch off from your responsibilities.
  • Open up and share with your family how you really feel, and ask for their support while you get yourself sorted out



  • If it is work-related stress, discuss with your colleagues how you can make changes
  • Learn not to take on too much and learn to say “NO” to others when you feel you are already fully committed.
  • Prioritise your responsibilities and see if you can off-load and delegate some of the less important tasks to others
  • Watch an entertaining film or read a good book
  • Laugh occasionally as laughter is a great medicine
  • Make time each day to simply relax for about 15 minutes, with no interruptions. Simply switch off your phone, cut off any possible distractions and just let yourself relax
  • Most importantly, set aside time each week to exercise.


There are a variety of ways to control your chronic stress and is important you implement some of the above methods to prevent the harmful effect stress has on your health and beauty.